Felger & Mazz x CrowdComfort | Eric Graham Appearance

The Transcript For This Video Is Below:

We are now joined by Eric Graham. He is from CrowdComfort, which is, again, you have to explain, a real estate technology firm. That's right. Again, talking to the mic, if you could. That's right. Treat it like a crawler. Get right up on it. You just spent five minutes telling me what it is, and I'm so dense. I got part of it, but not all. But we'll explain about it in a minute, Eric. But again, thank you so much for your support.

Yeah, Christmas in the city. a great cause. Do you have a personal connection that you want to share? Yeah, yeah, 100%. My wife, Jen, worked for the Kennedy Brothers when she was a co-op at Northeastern. Oh, cool. So she's been a shelter captain for 33 years. When I met her, then I got involved. So and to explain to people a shelter captain is? Basically someone who manages the shelter. Who are the kids that are coming to get gifts that are being donated by?

whoever's providing donations, specific gifts. like, we know the top three choices of every child that comes and we try to deliver the again, just to explain in layman terms, if you don't know, again, one of the greatest things at Christmas in the city is that they provide Christmas to kids that don't have it and you wouldn't know it or appreciate the fact that there are a lot of kids that don't get Christmas. There's kids that don't get to do what most of us did as kids, which is fill out a Christmas list and then wake up Christmas morning and have those gifts under the tree

Kids don't even have trees. So what Christmas in the City does, and they have endeavored to do, is to go to the shelters and get Christmas lists from the kids. And when they take toy donations to try and specifically match toys to these kids' lists, so these kids get to experience what we should all get to experience, which is Santa giving them a gift on their list. And you're saying that your wife was in charge of a given shelter in a given year. Yeah, and for... for 33 years, she's done that. I've been doing it with her for the past 25. My kids, Luke and Ella.

when they were one year old in a baby's car in a car seat, we would have them there while we're wrapping gifts for kids. It's you know, it's a it's a great emotional. know, I can tell it's a great it's how it started for the Kennedys in the first place and that they generational have families that have been with them. You've been through that 33 years. My wife is 33. I'm about 25. Wow

That is tremendous. It's a great charity. OK, so well, again, thank you for your support, not just with the the obviously this and the online auction or the in-person auction, but your support every year actually on the ground doing it. And likewise, I I appreciate that you offered this as an opportunity and would love to continue doing this. we do is nothing compared to what folks like you do. People thank me all the time. Like I just do the show from their auction and like talk them up. That's all I don't do what you guys do.

Although I should. And you know, it's a great family thing, think, as well. it does sort of reinforce a lesson about what the thing's all about in the first place. Yeah, which is why I think Jake and Sparky, when they started it, that was the whole point. They wanted their kids to experience what it was like to be in this kind of situation. And the same for my kids. I want the same thing for them. OK, Eric, tell me about CrowdComfort. Try to explain it to me again. So.

We're real estate technology firm. we basically use QR codes that get placed in a specific location. You know what those are, Mike, right? Yes, that I do. annoying QR codes. Yeah, when someone tells me to use a QR code, I tell them to go f themselves. But go ahead. And they get put in rooms by the light switch in bathrooms, like, you know, by the towel paper dispenser. And people can give feedback. So when we started the company, was all about getting feedback from occupants. in a geo located manner. are you? What do you need? Who can we get that information to and then get you a faster response? Because in traditional big real estate portfolios, no one knows where to go. There's, you know, it's like the telephone game trying to figure out if I have a light bulb out above my desk, who do I go to? So we were streamlined the process of that. And we work with many Fortune 500 companies, big organizations. providing that service to the employees. It's geared towards servicing, making sure the employees have what they need in the workplace and how they give that feedback. Exactly. That's it. Yeah. So like, for example, like, you know, how would that apply to something we might talk about? Like, for example, if we had a QR code here at that workstation right there, you're saying someone like, I don't know, Mas, if he came into work one day and found like fingernail clippings for someone who been clipping their fingernails or like toe jam for someone who been like cleaning their toes and clipping their toenails gum stuck underneath the desk or like little jibs of food sprayed across the thing or maybe like crumbs, maybe like a booger little snot thing here. I'm just making this up like in general, you know, hypothetically. and he had a QR code, could then scan the QR code and provide that feedback. Yeah, and then based on what it is, so it could be that it's too hot, or it could be that there's something needs to be cleaned up, or this microphone's not working, we would route his request right to the right person who would respond to those different things. And in big giant organizations, it's like a lot of different teams of people managing all these different things. So the occupant or the employee of a corporation doesn't really know where to go, and if they do, they have to...

pick out 10 different systems to get the information into. So we streamline that process. We connect to the people and then we connect to the systems that those teams that respond actually use. And so that's the core product that we started 12 years ago. With the pandemic, we saw a lot of requests for hand sanitizer, soap refills, cleaning of space. So we were like, okay, we didn't know what was gonna happen in the world because

the pandemic was coming. But we were like, why don't we create a cleaning map? Why don't we show the employees of the companies we work with exactly what's being done from a cleaning perspective in real time? And what we discovered was that it wasn't about COVID. was it was more about getting information on the big spend that's going out to clean all these spaces. And no one has any information. Who's doing it? Are they getting what they're paying for? So basically, that product competes with the clipboard on the back of the bathroom door. And it's also making sure that these big companies, and so you said you like, know, there's schools that you have as clients making sure they don't run out of, you know, paper towels and things of that nature and making sure employees like Barth aren't stealing it, right? Like, yeah. And you think this would work well like stadiums? Absolutely. Yeah. And we we partner with Georgia Pacific that does all the paper towel dispensers in all these facilities. And they have these new technologies that are IOT devices. Which stands for?

Internet of things they're basically connected sensors that are connected to the Internet. So their paper towel dispensers will tell them when they're down to 5 % of paper left or when the soap is almost out. So what that does is it prevents the waste the waste of just changing paper towel and soap on a schedule. So rather than throwing out 50 % on the guy's schedule and putting a new role in there basically doing it when it's down to 5%. And that not only reduces waste, but also improves the experience. Because how bad is it when you go into a facility and you got to do a number two and there's no paper towel? Never soap. Never soap. Right? There's never soap. Right. So you make sure there's soap. In roundabout way, there's soap if there's crowd comfort in there. Exactly. We take that sensor data that they're getting and give it to the person who's actually doing the work. How long you been doing this?

So we've been, Crowd Comfort is 12 years old. And it's Massachusetts company? It is, yeah. Based right in Boston. you could save the money at say TD Garden, Gillette Stadium, hear that? you know, what I'd love to do, you know, we were talking about doing a poll. So we're doing a poll to the audience over the next couple of weeks that's basically asking people to submit a survey and say which facility they like the best from a cleanliness perspective. Meaning Garden, Fenway, Gillette. Et cetera. Exactly. I'm a little out of touch. Like, so if you would ask me this back in the day, the filthiest. I mean, what was dirtier? Fenway. Old Fenway with the troughs that you urinated into or the old garden where there were literally rats running around in there. The old garden was pretty filthy when I was a kid, when was there. Fenway is still kind of. They've gusted up, though. the troughs, the troughs are gone or they still have a.

They still have troughs. sure they're gone. They're unfortunately gone. Too bad. A good trough is efficient. Bye, gone Take a casual and just stand there. Especially when you're all standing around together. Yeah, it's communal. It really brings people together. But no, is Fenway's? Fenway's still kind of dingy to me in terms of their restrooms. Yeah. It's really just coat of paint, I guess. Huh. So yeah. So rank them. Rank them. Fenway, the garden, Gillette.

What needs the most work, et cetera, et cetera. I mean, those bathrooms, I think they all kind of need, they need help. They need crowd comfort. They do. Well, you know, one of the things that happens, you have three periods, you have four quarters, right? And in between each one of those is a mad rush. And, you know, it's so hard to deal with that demand, right? So having technology is an important piece of the element. to deliver the experience that people want. To deliver the crap in a timely manner. And so one of the things we were thinking as we were thinking about coming on the show, how do we make this relevant to like the audience, what we do? And we were like, why don't we challenge the three big facilities in sports in Boston? We'll put our QR code on the paper towel dispenser that Georgia Pacific has, and we'll ask them to submit feedback about the bathrooms. Good, bad, or ugly?

But I'm sure the owners would love that. Yeah. Well, hey, the crafts don't do so well in these surveys about the working conditions. Well, we might invite this. We might be able to help them improve the situation. But one of the things that I love about it is it's not only about tracking, making sure people are doing things, but you can also say thank you to the frontline workers that actually deliver that experience for you. And it's just a nice way to - to gather information. Graham, again, CrowdComfort, if this is something you think, I don't know, you could use or be interested in. Again, it's CrowdComfort. Eric Graham, thank you again so much for your support of Christmas in the City for this and what you do on a yearly basis, helping on the ground. you. too. Thank you very much. Thanks for coming in, Eric.

Felger & Mazz x CrowdComfort | Eric Graham Appearance

Felger & Mazz x CrowdComfort | Eric Graham Appearance

The Transcript For This Video Is Below:

We are now joined by Eric Graham. He is from CrowdComfort, which is, again, you have to explain, a real estate technology firm. That's right. Again, talking to the mic, if you could. That's right. Treat it like a crawler. Get right up on it. You just spent five minutes telling me what it is, and I'm so dense. I got part of it, but not all. But we'll explain about it in a minute, Eric. But again, thank you so much for your support.

Yeah, Christmas in the city. a great cause. Do you have a personal connection that you want to share? Yeah, yeah, 100%. My wife, Jen, worked for the Kennedy Brothers when she was a co-op at Northeastern. Oh, cool. So she's been a shelter captain for 33 years. When I met her, then I got involved. So and to explain to people a shelter captain is? Basically someone who manages the shelter. Who are the kids that are coming to get gifts that are being donated by?

whoever's providing donations, specific gifts. like, we know the top three choices of every child that comes and we try to deliver the again, just to explain in layman terms, if you don't know, again, one of the greatest things at Christmas in the city is that they provide Christmas to kids that don't have it and you wouldn't know it or appreciate the fact that there are a lot of kids that don't get Christmas. There's kids that don't get to do what most of us did as kids, which is fill out a Christmas list and then wake up Christmas morning and have those gifts under the tree

Kids don't even have trees. So what Christmas in the City does, and they have endeavored to do, is to go to the shelters and get Christmas lists from the kids. And when they take toy donations to try and specifically match toys to these kids' lists, so these kids get to experience what we should all get to experience, which is Santa giving them a gift on their list. And you're saying that your wife was in charge of a given shelter in a given year. Yeah, and for... for 33 years, she's done that. I've been doing it with her for the past 25. My kids, Luke and Ella.

when they were one year old in a baby's car in a car seat, we would have them there while we're wrapping gifts for kids. It's you know, it's a it's a great emotional. know, I can tell it's a great it's how it started for the Kennedys in the first place and that they generational have families that have been with them. You've been through that 33 years. My wife is 33. I'm about 25. Wow

That is tremendous. It's a great charity. OK, so well, again, thank you for your support, not just with the the obviously this and the online auction or the in-person auction, but your support every year actually on the ground doing it. And likewise, I I appreciate that you offered this as an opportunity and would love to continue doing this. we do is nothing compared to what folks like you do. People thank me all the time. Like I just do the show from their auction and like talk them up. That's all I don't do what you guys do.

Although I should. And you know, it's a great family thing, think, as well. it does sort of reinforce a lesson about what the thing's all about in the first place. Yeah, which is why I think Jake and Sparky, when they started it, that was the whole point. They wanted their kids to experience what it was like to be in this kind of situation. And the same for my kids. I want the same thing for them. OK, Eric, tell me about CrowdComfort. Try to explain it to me again. So.

We're real estate technology firm. we basically use QR codes that get placed in a specific location. You know what those are, Mike, right? Yes, that I do. annoying QR codes. Yeah, when someone tells me to use a QR code, I tell them to go f themselves. But go ahead. And they get put in rooms by the light switch in bathrooms, like, you know, by the towel paper dispenser. And people can give feedback. So when we started the company, was all about getting feedback from occupants. in a geo located manner. are you? What do you need? Who can we get that information to and then get you a faster response? Because in traditional big real estate portfolios, no one knows where to go. There's, you know, it's like the telephone game trying to figure out if I have a light bulb out above my desk, who do I go to? So we were streamlined the process of that. And we work with many Fortune 500 companies, big organizations. providing that service to the employees. It's geared towards servicing, making sure the employees have what they need in the workplace and how they give that feedback. Exactly. That's it. Yeah. So like, for example, like, you know, how would that apply to something we might talk about? Like, for example, if we had a QR code here at that workstation right there, you're saying someone like, I don't know, Mas, if he came into work one day and found like fingernail clippings for someone who been clipping their fingernails or like toe jam for someone who been like cleaning their toes and clipping their toenails gum stuck underneath the desk or like little jibs of food sprayed across the thing or maybe like crumbs, maybe like a booger little snot thing here. I'm just making this up like in general, you know, hypothetically. and he had a QR code, could then scan the QR code and provide that feedback. Yeah, and then based on what it is, so it could be that it's too hot, or it could be that there's something needs to be cleaned up, or this microphone's not working, we would route his request right to the right person who would respond to those different things. And in big giant organizations, it's like a lot of different teams of people managing all these different things. So the occupant or the employee of a corporation doesn't really know where to go, and if they do, they have to...

pick out 10 different systems to get the information into. So we streamline that process. We connect to the people and then we connect to the systems that those teams that respond actually use. And so that's the core product that we started 12 years ago. With the pandemic, we saw a lot of requests for hand sanitizer, soap refills, cleaning of space. So we were like, okay, we didn't know what was gonna happen in the world because

the pandemic was coming. But we were like, why don't we create a cleaning map? Why don't we show the employees of the companies we work with exactly what's being done from a cleaning perspective in real time? And what we discovered was that it wasn't about COVID. was it was more about getting information on the big spend that's going out to clean all these spaces. And no one has any information. Who's doing it? Are they getting what they're paying for? So basically, that product competes with the clipboard on the back of the bathroom door. And it's also making sure that these big companies, and so you said you like, know, there's schools that you have as clients making sure they don't run out of, you know, paper towels and things of that nature and making sure employees like Barth aren't stealing it, right? Like, yeah. And you think this would work well like stadiums? Absolutely. Yeah. And we we partner with Georgia Pacific that does all the paper towel dispensers in all these facilities. And they have these new technologies that are IOT devices. Which stands for?

Internet of things they're basically connected sensors that are connected to the Internet. So their paper towel dispensers will tell them when they're down to 5 % of paper left or when the soap is almost out. So what that does is it prevents the waste the waste of just changing paper towel and soap on a schedule. So rather than throwing out 50 % on the guy's schedule and putting a new role in there basically doing it when it's down to 5%. And that not only reduces waste, but also improves the experience. Because how bad is it when you go into a facility and you got to do a number two and there's no paper towel? Never soap. Never soap. Right? There's never soap. Right. So you make sure there's soap. In roundabout way, there's soap if there's crowd comfort in there. Exactly. We take that sensor data that they're getting and give it to the person who's actually doing the work. How long you been doing this?

So we've been, Crowd Comfort is 12 years old. And it's Massachusetts company? It is, yeah. Based right in Boston. you could save the money at say TD Garden, Gillette Stadium, hear that? you know, what I'd love to do, you know, we were talking about doing a poll. So we're doing a poll to the audience over the next couple of weeks that's basically asking people to submit a survey and say which facility they like the best from a cleanliness perspective. Meaning Garden, Fenway, Gillette. Et cetera. Exactly. I'm a little out of touch. Like, so if you would ask me this back in the day, the filthiest. I mean, what was dirtier? Fenway. Old Fenway with the troughs that you urinated into or the old garden where there were literally rats running around in there. The old garden was pretty filthy when I was a kid, when was there. Fenway is still kind of. They've gusted up, though. the troughs, the troughs are gone or they still have a.

They still have troughs. sure they're gone. They're unfortunately gone. Too bad. A good trough is efficient. Bye, gone Take a casual and just stand there. Especially when you're all standing around together. Yeah, it's communal. It really brings people together. But no, is Fenway's? Fenway's still kind of dingy to me in terms of their restrooms. Yeah. It's really just coat of paint, I guess. Huh. So yeah. So rank them. Rank them. Fenway, the garden, Gillette.

What needs the most work, et cetera, et cetera. I mean, those bathrooms, I think they all kind of need, they need help. They need crowd comfort. They do. Well, you know, one of the things that happens, you have three periods, you have four quarters, right? And in between each one of those is a mad rush. And, you know, it's so hard to deal with that demand, right? So having technology is an important piece of the element. to deliver the experience that people want. To deliver the crap in a timely manner. And so one of the things we were thinking as we were thinking about coming on the show, how do we make this relevant to like the audience, what we do? And we were like, why don't we challenge the three big facilities in sports in Boston? We'll put our QR code on the paper towel dispenser that Georgia Pacific has, and we'll ask them to submit feedback about the bathrooms. Good, bad, or ugly?

But I'm sure the owners would love that. Yeah. Well, hey, the crafts don't do so well in these surveys about the working conditions. Well, we might invite this. We might be able to help them improve the situation. But one of the things that I love about it is it's not only about tracking, making sure people are doing things, but you can also say thank you to the frontline workers that actually deliver that experience for you. And it's just a nice way to - to gather information. Graham, again, CrowdComfort, if this is something you think, I don't know, you could use or be interested in. Again, it's CrowdComfort. Eric Graham, thank you again so much for your support of Christmas in the City for this and what you do on a yearly basis, helping on the ground. you. too. Thank you very much. Thanks for coming in, Eric.

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Felger & Mazz x CrowdComfort | Eric Graham Appearance

Felger & Mazz x CrowdComfort | Eric Graham Appearance

The Transcript For This Video Is Below:

We are now joined by Eric Graham. He is from CrowdComfort, which is, again, you have to explain, a real estate technology firm. That's right. Again, talking to the mic, if you could. That's right. Treat it like a crawler. Get right up on it. You just spent five minutes telling me what it is, and I'm so dense. I got part of it, but not all. But we'll explain about it in a minute, Eric. But again, thank you so much for your support.

Yeah, Christmas in the city. a great cause. Do you have a personal connection that you want to share? Yeah, yeah, 100%. My wife, Jen, worked for the Kennedy Brothers when she was a co-op at Northeastern. Oh, cool. So she's been a shelter captain for 33 years. When I met her, then I got involved. So and to explain to people a shelter captain is? Basically someone who manages the shelter. Who are the kids that are coming to get gifts that are being donated by?

whoever's providing donations, specific gifts. like, we know the top three choices of every child that comes and we try to deliver the again, just to explain in layman terms, if you don't know, again, one of the greatest things at Christmas in the city is that they provide Christmas to kids that don't have it and you wouldn't know it or appreciate the fact that there are a lot of kids that don't get Christmas. There's kids that don't get to do what most of us did as kids, which is fill out a Christmas list and then wake up Christmas morning and have those gifts under the tree

Kids don't even have trees. So what Christmas in the City does, and they have endeavored to do, is to go to the shelters and get Christmas lists from the kids. And when they take toy donations to try and specifically match toys to these kids' lists, so these kids get to experience what we should all get to experience, which is Santa giving them a gift on their list. And you're saying that your wife was in charge of a given shelter in a given year. Yeah, and for... for 33 years, she's done that. I've been doing it with her for the past 25. My kids, Luke and Ella.

when they were one year old in a baby's car in a car seat, we would have them there while we're wrapping gifts for kids. It's you know, it's a it's a great emotional. know, I can tell it's a great it's how it started for the Kennedys in the first place and that they generational have families that have been with them. You've been through that 33 years. My wife is 33. I'm about 25. Wow

That is tremendous. It's a great charity. OK, so well, again, thank you for your support, not just with the the obviously this and the online auction or the in-person auction, but your support every year actually on the ground doing it. And likewise, I I appreciate that you offered this as an opportunity and would love to continue doing this. we do is nothing compared to what folks like you do. People thank me all the time. Like I just do the show from their auction and like talk them up. That's all I don't do what you guys do.

Although I should. And you know, it's a great family thing, think, as well. it does sort of reinforce a lesson about what the thing's all about in the first place. Yeah, which is why I think Jake and Sparky, when they started it, that was the whole point. They wanted their kids to experience what it was like to be in this kind of situation. And the same for my kids. I want the same thing for them. OK, Eric, tell me about CrowdComfort. Try to explain it to me again. So.

We're real estate technology firm. we basically use QR codes that get placed in a specific location. You know what those are, Mike, right? Yes, that I do. annoying QR codes. Yeah, when someone tells me to use a QR code, I tell them to go f themselves. But go ahead. And they get put in rooms by the light switch in bathrooms, like, you know, by the towel paper dispenser. And people can give feedback. So when we started the company, was all about getting feedback from occupants. in a geo located manner. are you? What do you need? Who can we get that information to and then get you a faster response? Because in traditional big real estate portfolios, no one knows where to go. There's, you know, it's like the telephone game trying to figure out if I have a light bulb out above my desk, who do I go to? So we were streamlined the process of that. And we work with many Fortune 500 companies, big organizations. providing that service to the employees. It's geared towards servicing, making sure the employees have what they need in the workplace and how they give that feedback. Exactly. That's it. Yeah. So like, for example, like, you know, how would that apply to something we might talk about? Like, for example, if we had a QR code here at that workstation right there, you're saying someone like, I don't know, Mas, if he came into work one day and found like fingernail clippings for someone who been clipping their fingernails or like toe jam for someone who been like cleaning their toes and clipping their toenails gum stuck underneath the desk or like little jibs of food sprayed across the thing or maybe like crumbs, maybe like a booger little snot thing here. I'm just making this up like in general, you know, hypothetically. and he had a QR code, could then scan the QR code and provide that feedback. Yeah, and then based on what it is, so it could be that it's too hot, or it could be that there's something needs to be cleaned up, or this microphone's not working, we would route his request right to the right person who would respond to those different things. And in big giant organizations, it's like a lot of different teams of people managing all these different things. So the occupant or the employee of a corporation doesn't really know where to go, and if they do, they have to...

pick out 10 different systems to get the information into. So we streamline that process. We connect to the people and then we connect to the systems that those teams that respond actually use. And so that's the core product that we started 12 years ago. With the pandemic, we saw a lot of requests for hand sanitizer, soap refills, cleaning of space. So we were like, okay, we didn't know what was gonna happen in the world because

the pandemic was coming. But we were like, why don't we create a cleaning map? Why don't we show the employees of the companies we work with exactly what's being done from a cleaning perspective in real time? And what we discovered was that it wasn't about COVID. was it was more about getting information on the big spend that's going out to clean all these spaces. And no one has any information. Who's doing it? Are they getting what they're paying for? So basically, that product competes with the clipboard on the back of the bathroom door. And it's also making sure that these big companies, and so you said you like, know, there's schools that you have as clients making sure they don't run out of, you know, paper towels and things of that nature and making sure employees like Barth aren't stealing it, right? Like, yeah. And you think this would work well like stadiums? Absolutely. Yeah. And we we partner with Georgia Pacific that does all the paper towel dispensers in all these facilities. And they have these new technologies that are IOT devices. Which stands for?

Internet of things they're basically connected sensors that are connected to the Internet. So their paper towel dispensers will tell them when they're down to 5 % of paper left or when the soap is almost out. So what that does is it prevents the waste the waste of just changing paper towel and soap on a schedule. So rather than throwing out 50 % on the guy's schedule and putting a new role in there basically doing it when it's down to 5%. And that not only reduces waste, but also improves the experience. Because how bad is it when you go into a facility and you got to do a number two and there's no paper towel? Never soap. Never soap. Right? There's never soap. Right. So you make sure there's soap. In roundabout way, there's soap if there's crowd comfort in there. Exactly. We take that sensor data that they're getting and give it to the person who's actually doing the work. How long you been doing this?

So we've been, Crowd Comfort is 12 years old. And it's Massachusetts company? It is, yeah. Based right in Boston. you could save the money at say TD Garden, Gillette Stadium, hear that? you know, what I'd love to do, you know, we were talking about doing a poll. So we're doing a poll to the audience over the next couple of weeks that's basically asking people to submit a survey and say which facility they like the best from a cleanliness perspective. Meaning Garden, Fenway, Gillette. Et cetera. Exactly. I'm a little out of touch. Like, so if you would ask me this back in the day, the filthiest. I mean, what was dirtier? Fenway. Old Fenway with the troughs that you urinated into or the old garden where there were literally rats running around in there. The old garden was pretty filthy when I was a kid, when was there. Fenway is still kind of. They've gusted up, though. the troughs, the troughs are gone or they still have a.

They still have troughs. sure they're gone. They're unfortunately gone. Too bad. A good trough is efficient. Bye, gone Take a casual and just stand there. Especially when you're all standing around together. Yeah, it's communal. It really brings people together. But no, is Fenway's? Fenway's still kind of dingy to me in terms of their restrooms. Yeah. It's really just coat of paint, I guess. Huh. So yeah. So rank them. Rank them. Fenway, the garden, Gillette.

What needs the most work, et cetera, et cetera. I mean, those bathrooms, I think they all kind of need, they need help. They need crowd comfort. They do. Well, you know, one of the things that happens, you have three periods, you have four quarters, right? And in between each one of those is a mad rush. And, you know, it's so hard to deal with that demand, right? So having technology is an important piece of the element. to deliver the experience that people want. To deliver the crap in a timely manner. And so one of the things we were thinking as we were thinking about coming on the show, how do we make this relevant to like the audience, what we do? And we were like, why don't we challenge the three big facilities in sports in Boston? We'll put our QR code on the paper towel dispenser that Georgia Pacific has, and we'll ask them to submit feedback about the bathrooms. Good, bad, or ugly?

But I'm sure the owners would love that. Yeah. Well, hey, the crafts don't do so well in these surveys about the working conditions. Well, we might invite this. We might be able to help them improve the situation. But one of the things that I love about it is it's not only about tracking, making sure people are doing things, but you can also say thank you to the frontline workers that actually deliver that experience for you. And it's just a nice way to - to gather information. Graham, again, CrowdComfort, if this is something you think, I don't know, you could use or be interested in. Again, it's CrowdComfort. Eric Graham, thank you again so much for your support of Christmas in the City for this and what you do on a yearly basis, helping on the ground. you. too. Thank you very much. Thanks for coming in, Eric.

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Felger & Mazz x CrowdComfort | Eric Graham Appearance

The Transcript For This Video Is Below:

We are now joined by Eric Graham. He is from CrowdComfort, which is, again, you have to explain, a real estate technology firm. That's right. Again, talking to the mic, if you could. That's right. Treat it like a crawler. Get right up on it. You just spent five minutes telling me what it is, and I'm so dense. I got part of it, but not all. But we'll explain about it in a minute, Eric. But again, thank you so much for your support.

Yeah, Christmas in the city. a great cause. Do you have a personal connection that you want to share? Yeah, yeah, 100%. My wife, Jen, worked for the Kennedy Brothers when she was a co-op at Northeastern. Oh, cool. So she's been a shelter captain for 33 years. When I met her, then I got involved. So and to explain to people a shelter captain is? Basically someone who manages the shelter. Who are the kids that are coming to get gifts that are being donated by?

whoever's providing donations, specific gifts. like, we know the top three choices of every child that comes and we try to deliver the again, just to explain in layman terms, if you don't know, again, one of the greatest things at Christmas in the city is that they provide Christmas to kids that don't have it and you wouldn't know it or appreciate the fact that there are a lot of kids that don't get Christmas. There's kids that don't get to do what most of us did as kids, which is fill out a Christmas list and then wake up Christmas morning and have those gifts under the tree

Kids don't even have trees. So what Christmas in the City does, and they have endeavored to do, is to go to the shelters and get Christmas lists from the kids. And when they take toy donations to try and specifically match toys to these kids' lists, so these kids get to experience what we should all get to experience, which is Santa giving them a gift on their list. And you're saying that your wife was in charge of a given shelter in a given year. Yeah, and for... for 33 years, she's done that. I've been doing it with her for the past 25. My kids, Luke and Ella.

when they were one year old in a baby's car in a car seat, we would have them there while we're wrapping gifts for kids. It's you know, it's a it's a great emotional. know, I can tell it's a great it's how it started for the Kennedys in the first place and that they generational have families that have been with them. You've been through that 33 years. My wife is 33. I'm about 25. Wow

That is tremendous. It's a great charity. OK, so well, again, thank you for your support, not just with the the obviously this and the online auction or the in-person auction, but your support every year actually on the ground doing it. And likewise, I I appreciate that you offered this as an opportunity and would love to continue doing this. we do is nothing compared to what folks like you do. People thank me all the time. Like I just do the show from their auction and like talk them up. That's all I don't do what you guys do.

Although I should. And you know, it's a great family thing, think, as well. it does sort of reinforce a lesson about what the thing's all about in the first place. Yeah, which is why I think Jake and Sparky, when they started it, that was the whole point. They wanted their kids to experience what it was like to be in this kind of situation. And the same for my kids. I want the same thing for them. OK, Eric, tell me about CrowdComfort. Try to explain it to me again. So.

We're real estate technology firm. we basically use QR codes that get placed in a specific location. You know what those are, Mike, right? Yes, that I do. annoying QR codes. Yeah, when someone tells me to use a QR code, I tell them to go f themselves. But go ahead. And they get put in rooms by the light switch in bathrooms, like, you know, by the towel paper dispenser. And people can give feedback. So when we started the company, was all about getting feedback from occupants. in a geo located manner. are you? What do you need? Who can we get that information to and then get you a faster response? Because in traditional big real estate portfolios, no one knows where to go. There's, you know, it's like the telephone game trying to figure out if I have a light bulb out above my desk, who do I go to? So we were streamlined the process of that. And we work with many Fortune 500 companies, big organizations. providing that service to the employees. It's geared towards servicing, making sure the employees have what they need in the workplace and how they give that feedback. Exactly. That's it. Yeah. So like, for example, like, you know, how would that apply to something we might talk about? Like, for example, if we had a QR code here at that workstation right there, you're saying someone like, I don't know, Mas, if he came into work one day and found like fingernail clippings for someone who been clipping their fingernails or like toe jam for someone who been like cleaning their toes and clipping their toenails gum stuck underneath the desk or like little jibs of food sprayed across the thing or maybe like crumbs, maybe like a booger little snot thing here. I'm just making this up like in general, you know, hypothetically. and he had a QR code, could then scan the QR code and provide that feedback. Yeah, and then based on what it is, so it could be that it's too hot, or it could be that there's something needs to be cleaned up, or this microphone's not working, we would route his request right to the right person who would respond to those different things. And in big giant organizations, it's like a lot of different teams of people managing all these different things. So the occupant or the employee of a corporation doesn't really know where to go, and if they do, they have to...

pick out 10 different systems to get the information into. So we streamline that process. We connect to the people and then we connect to the systems that those teams that respond actually use. And so that's the core product that we started 12 years ago. With the pandemic, we saw a lot of requests for hand sanitizer, soap refills, cleaning of space. So we were like, okay, we didn't know what was gonna happen in the world because

the pandemic was coming. But we were like, why don't we create a cleaning map? Why don't we show the employees of the companies we work with exactly what's being done from a cleaning perspective in real time? And what we discovered was that it wasn't about COVID. was it was more about getting information on the big spend that's going out to clean all these spaces. And no one has any information. Who's doing it? Are they getting what they're paying for? So basically, that product competes with the clipboard on the back of the bathroom door. And it's also making sure that these big companies, and so you said you like, know, there's schools that you have as clients making sure they don't run out of, you know, paper towels and things of that nature and making sure employees like Barth aren't stealing it, right? Like, yeah. And you think this would work well like stadiums? Absolutely. Yeah. And we we partner with Georgia Pacific that does all the paper towel dispensers in all these facilities. And they have these new technologies that are IOT devices. Which stands for?

Internet of things they're basically connected sensors that are connected to the Internet. So their paper towel dispensers will tell them when they're down to 5 % of paper left or when the soap is almost out. So what that does is it prevents the waste the waste of just changing paper towel and soap on a schedule. So rather than throwing out 50 % on the guy's schedule and putting a new role in there basically doing it when it's down to 5%. And that not only reduces waste, but also improves the experience. Because how bad is it when you go into a facility and you got to do a number two and there's no paper towel? Never soap. Never soap. Right? There's never soap. Right. So you make sure there's soap. In roundabout way, there's soap if there's crowd comfort in there. Exactly. We take that sensor data that they're getting and give it to the person who's actually doing the work. How long you been doing this?

So we've been, Crowd Comfort is 12 years old. And it's Massachusetts company? It is, yeah. Based right in Boston. you could save the money at say TD Garden, Gillette Stadium, hear that? you know, what I'd love to do, you know, we were talking about doing a poll. So we're doing a poll to the audience over the next couple of weeks that's basically asking people to submit a survey and say which facility they like the best from a cleanliness perspective. Meaning Garden, Fenway, Gillette. Et cetera. Exactly. I'm a little out of touch. Like, so if you would ask me this back in the day, the filthiest. I mean, what was dirtier? Fenway. Old Fenway with the troughs that you urinated into or the old garden where there were literally rats running around in there. The old garden was pretty filthy when I was a kid, when was there. Fenway is still kind of. They've gusted up, though. the troughs, the troughs are gone or they still have a.

They still have troughs. sure they're gone. They're unfortunately gone. Too bad. A good trough is efficient. Bye, gone Take a casual and just stand there. Especially when you're all standing around together. Yeah, it's communal. It really brings people together. But no, is Fenway's? Fenway's still kind of dingy to me in terms of their restrooms. Yeah. It's really just coat of paint, I guess. Huh. So yeah. So rank them. Rank them. Fenway, the garden, Gillette.

What needs the most work, et cetera, et cetera. I mean, those bathrooms, I think they all kind of need, they need help. They need crowd comfort. They do. Well, you know, one of the things that happens, you have three periods, you have four quarters, right? And in between each one of those is a mad rush. And, you know, it's so hard to deal with that demand, right? So having technology is an important piece of the element. to deliver the experience that people want. To deliver the crap in a timely manner. And so one of the things we were thinking as we were thinking about coming on the show, how do we make this relevant to like the audience, what we do? And we were like, why don't we challenge the three big facilities in sports in Boston? We'll put our QR code on the paper towel dispenser that Georgia Pacific has, and we'll ask them to submit feedback about the bathrooms. Good, bad, or ugly?

But I'm sure the owners would love that. Yeah. Well, hey, the crafts don't do so well in these surveys about the working conditions. Well, we might invite this. We might be able to help them improve the situation. But one of the things that I love about it is it's not only about tracking, making sure people are doing things, but you can also say thank you to the frontline workers that actually deliver that experience for you. And it's just a nice way to - to gather information. Graham, again, CrowdComfort, if this is something you think, I don't know, you could use or be interested in. Again, it's CrowdComfort. Eric Graham, thank you again so much for your support of Christmas in the City for this and what you do on a yearly basis, helping on the ground. you. too. Thank you very much. Thanks for coming in, Eric.

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Felger & Mazz x CrowdComfort | Eric Graham Appearance

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The Transcript For This Video Is Below:

We are now joined by Eric Graham. He is from CrowdComfort, which is, again, you have to explain, a real estate technology firm. That's right. Again, talking to the mic, if you could. That's right. Treat it like a crawler. Get right up on it. You just spent five minutes telling me what it is, and I'm so dense. I got part of it, but not all. But we'll explain about it in a minute, Eric. But again, thank you so much for your support.

Yeah, Christmas in the city. a great cause. Do you have a personal connection that you want to share? Yeah, yeah, 100%. My wife, Jen, worked for the Kennedy Brothers when she was a co-op at Northeastern. Oh, cool. So she's been a shelter captain for 33 years. When I met her, then I got involved. So and to explain to people a shelter captain is? Basically someone who manages the shelter. Who are the kids that are coming to get gifts that are being donated by?

whoever's providing donations, specific gifts. like, we know the top three choices of every child that comes and we try to deliver the again, just to explain in layman terms, if you don't know, again, one of the greatest things at Christmas in the city is that they provide Christmas to kids that don't have it and you wouldn't know it or appreciate the fact that there are a lot of kids that don't get Christmas. There's kids that don't get to do what most of us did as kids, which is fill out a Christmas list and then wake up Christmas morning and have those gifts under the tree

Kids don't even have trees. So what Christmas in the City does, and they have endeavored to do, is to go to the shelters and get Christmas lists from the kids. And when they take toy donations to try and specifically match toys to these kids' lists, so these kids get to experience what we should all get to experience, which is Santa giving them a gift on their list. And you're saying that your wife was in charge of a given shelter in a given year. Yeah, and for... for 33 years, she's done that. I've been doing it with her for the past 25. My kids, Luke and Ella.

when they were one year old in a baby's car in a car seat, we would have them there while we're wrapping gifts for kids. It's you know, it's a it's a great emotional. know, I can tell it's a great it's how it started for the Kennedys in the first place and that they generational have families that have been with them. You've been through that 33 years. My wife is 33. I'm about 25. Wow

That is tremendous. It's a great charity. OK, so well, again, thank you for your support, not just with the the obviously this and the online auction or the in-person auction, but your support every year actually on the ground doing it. And likewise, I I appreciate that you offered this as an opportunity and would love to continue doing this. we do is nothing compared to what folks like you do. People thank me all the time. Like I just do the show from their auction and like talk them up. That's all I don't do what you guys do.

Although I should. And you know, it's a great family thing, think, as well. it does sort of reinforce a lesson about what the thing's all about in the first place. Yeah, which is why I think Jake and Sparky, when they started it, that was the whole point. They wanted their kids to experience what it was like to be in this kind of situation. And the same for my kids. I want the same thing for them. OK, Eric, tell me about CrowdComfort. Try to explain it to me again. So.

We're real estate technology firm. we basically use QR codes that get placed in a specific location. You know what those are, Mike, right? Yes, that I do. annoying QR codes. Yeah, when someone tells me to use a QR code, I tell them to go f themselves. But go ahead. And they get put in rooms by the light switch in bathrooms, like, you know, by the towel paper dispenser. And people can give feedback. So when we started the company, was all about getting feedback from occupants. in a geo located manner. are you? What do you need? Who can we get that information to and then get you a faster response? Because in traditional big real estate portfolios, no one knows where to go. There's, you know, it's like the telephone game trying to figure out if I have a light bulb out above my desk, who do I go to? So we were streamlined the process of that. And we work with many Fortune 500 companies, big organizations. providing that service to the employees. It's geared towards servicing, making sure the employees have what they need in the workplace and how they give that feedback. Exactly. That's it. Yeah. So like, for example, like, you know, how would that apply to something we might talk about? Like, for example, if we had a QR code here at that workstation right there, you're saying someone like, I don't know, Mas, if he came into work one day and found like fingernail clippings for someone who been clipping their fingernails or like toe jam for someone who been like cleaning their toes and clipping their toenails gum stuck underneath the desk or like little jibs of food sprayed across the thing or maybe like crumbs, maybe like a booger little snot thing here. I'm just making this up like in general, you know, hypothetically. and he had a QR code, could then scan the QR code and provide that feedback. Yeah, and then based on what it is, so it could be that it's too hot, or it could be that there's something needs to be cleaned up, or this microphone's not working, we would route his request right to the right person who would respond to those different things. And in big giant organizations, it's like a lot of different teams of people managing all these different things. So the occupant or the employee of a corporation doesn't really know where to go, and if they do, they have to...

pick out 10 different systems to get the information into. So we streamline that process. We connect to the people and then we connect to the systems that those teams that respond actually use. And so that's the core product that we started 12 years ago. With the pandemic, we saw a lot of requests for hand sanitizer, soap refills, cleaning of space. So we were like, okay, we didn't know what was gonna happen in the world because

the pandemic was coming. But we were like, why don't we create a cleaning map? Why don't we show the employees of the companies we work with exactly what's being done from a cleaning perspective in real time? And what we discovered was that it wasn't about COVID. was it was more about getting information on the big spend that's going out to clean all these spaces. And no one has any information. Who's doing it? Are they getting what they're paying for? So basically, that product competes with the clipboard on the back of the bathroom door. And it's also making sure that these big companies, and so you said you like, know, there's schools that you have as clients making sure they don't run out of, you know, paper towels and things of that nature and making sure employees like Barth aren't stealing it, right? Like, yeah. And you think this would work well like stadiums? Absolutely. Yeah. And we we partner with Georgia Pacific that does all the paper towel dispensers in all these facilities. And they have these new technologies that are IOT devices. Which stands for?

Internet of things they're basically connected sensors that are connected to the Internet. So their paper towel dispensers will tell them when they're down to 5 % of paper left or when the soap is almost out. So what that does is it prevents the waste the waste of just changing paper towel and soap on a schedule. So rather than throwing out 50 % on the guy's schedule and putting a new role in there basically doing it when it's down to 5%. And that not only reduces waste, but also improves the experience. Because how bad is it when you go into a facility and you got to do a number two and there's no paper towel? Never soap. Never soap. Right? There's never soap. Right. So you make sure there's soap. In roundabout way, there's soap if there's crowd comfort in there. Exactly. We take that sensor data that they're getting and give it to the person who's actually doing the work. How long you been doing this?

So we've been, Crowd Comfort is 12 years old. And it's Massachusetts company? It is, yeah. Based right in Boston. you could save the money at say TD Garden, Gillette Stadium, hear that? you know, what I'd love to do, you know, we were talking about doing a poll. So we're doing a poll to the audience over the next couple of weeks that's basically asking people to submit a survey and say which facility they like the best from a cleanliness perspective. Meaning Garden, Fenway, Gillette. Et cetera. Exactly. I'm a little out of touch. Like, so if you would ask me this back in the day, the filthiest. I mean, what was dirtier? Fenway. Old Fenway with the troughs that you urinated into or the old garden where there were literally rats running around in there. The old garden was pretty filthy when I was a kid, when was there. Fenway is still kind of. They've gusted up, though. the troughs, the troughs are gone or they still have a.

They still have troughs. sure they're gone. They're unfortunately gone. Too bad. A good trough is efficient. Bye, gone Take a casual and just stand there. Especially when you're all standing around together. Yeah, it's communal. It really brings people together. But no, is Fenway's? Fenway's still kind of dingy to me in terms of their restrooms. Yeah. It's really just coat of paint, I guess. Huh. So yeah. So rank them. Rank them. Fenway, the garden, Gillette.

What needs the most work, et cetera, et cetera. I mean, those bathrooms, I think they all kind of need, they need help. They need crowd comfort. They do. Well, you know, one of the things that happens, you have three periods, you have four quarters, right? And in between each one of those is a mad rush. And, you know, it's so hard to deal with that demand, right? So having technology is an important piece of the element. to deliver the experience that people want. To deliver the crap in a timely manner. And so one of the things we were thinking as we were thinking about coming on the show, how do we make this relevant to like the audience, what we do? And we were like, why don't we challenge the three big facilities in sports in Boston? We'll put our QR code on the paper towel dispenser that Georgia Pacific has, and we'll ask them to submit feedback about the bathrooms. Good, bad, or ugly?

But I'm sure the owners would love that. Yeah. Well, hey, the crafts don't do so well in these surveys about the working conditions. Well, we might invite this. We might be able to help them improve the situation. But one of the things that I love about it is it's not only about tracking, making sure people are doing things, but you can also say thank you to the frontline workers that actually deliver that experience for you. And it's just a nice way to - to gather information. Graham, again, CrowdComfort, if this is something you think, I don't know, you could use or be interested in. Again, it's CrowdComfort. Eric Graham, thank you again so much for your support of Christmas in the City for this and what you do on a yearly basis, helping on the ground. you. too. Thank you very much. Thanks for coming in, Eric.

Felger And Mazz x CrowdComfort Studio Image